Tauren Think Tank
The podcast about the Blizzard gamer...
behind the keyboard.

Sha Sauce

Latest Episode

Fri, 18 Jan 2019

Sun, 25 Aug 2013

Rem has fallen in love with tanking; Heroic Primordius is a pain; Team Number One Pickle continues to grow; Tell Us One Thing; a continuation of the discussion about game developer harassment using your letters. Questions this week:  from a pair of guild leaders looking to recruit and keep mature players without it feeling like they're babysitting, a raider who took some raid performance issues into his own hands by going around the raid leader, and a Ren Faire performer who is looking for guidance in changing her summer routine of 14 years to have more time for herself.  Send your questions and feedback to the show at questions@taurenthinktank.com.  Slash Moo!


A weekly podcast hosted by Jules and Marconin, Tauren Think Tank focuses on the interpersonal issues that Blizzard gamers experience both in-game and in their outside lives. This show is an audio advice column, where listeners send in their questions asking for help about anything from interacting with other players to managing depression and social anxiety. Come sit by the fire, meet new friends, and know that you're never alone! Questions can be sent to questions@taurenthinktank, or send them through Twitter: @TaurenThinkTank, @JulesRPG, and @MarconinWoW.

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