Tauren Think Tank
The podcast about the Blizzard gamer...
behind the keyboard.

A Ghoul Like You

Latest Episode

Fri, 18 Jan 2019

Sun, 21 Jul 2013

Rem has been too hot to do anything; Jules got to raid this week and got some heroic loot; Mama Rem has found a new game that might be a little naughty; Tell Us One Thing; our guild chat discussion with your letters; we answer questions from a raider who is concerned with one of his female guild member's cycle of behavior and how it affects others, a student who thinks stopping WoW will help him improve his grades, but he's afraid he'll have nothing left to escape to, and a young man with many past challenges trying to get his life under control for the first time.  Next week's show will be on Sunday, July 28th as an all call-in show again! Send us your questions for the show to questions@taurenthinktank.com to be a part of the discussion.


A weekly podcast hosted by Jules and Marconin, Tauren Think Tank focuses on the interpersonal issues that Blizzard gamers experience both in-game and in their outside lives. This show is an audio advice column, where listeners send in their questions asking for help about anything from interacting with other players to managing depression and social anxiety. Come sit by the fire, meet new friends, and know that you're never alone! Questions can be sent to questions@taurenthinktank, or send them through Twitter: @TaurenThinkTank, @JulesRPG, and @MarconinWoW.

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